Chapbook Italic is based on typefaces found in publications during the mid-seventeenth century, and is a sister font to ヤChapbookユ. These fancier characters were often used for emphasis during the period, and resemble modern 'Chancery' typefaces.
Although there are few special characters, there are plain characters where the accented versions are ususally found. The default ヤsユ is a long-s - the character which looks like an ヤfユ - but the more familiar ヤsユ should be used when it occurs at the end of a word. This character can be found at shift-5.
I have supplied both PostScript and TrueType versions for the Macintosh. I donユt mind people converting it to use on other platforms for their own personal use, but please do not distribute such versions.
I donユt demand a shareware fee for this font - just mail me or send me a postcard so I can see where the fontユs got to.